Sweet and Sour Gummy

by Carolina Jantac, MS, RD, LD  •  Jump to Recipe

Let us introduce to you the amazing powers of ginger. After reading this and looking at our recipe for Sweet and Sour gummy, you’ll never look at this root the same way again. Some of you may already be familiar with its digestive properties, but there is much more to ginger. This aromatic root usually sold in grocery stores in the produce isle can also be found dried and ground to a fine powder in the spice isle. The later variety is the one often used in baked goods such as the famous gingerbread cookies.

However, it is the fresh root that will yield the best results when considering a digestive aid. In herbal medicine, ginger is known as a substance which promotes the elimination of intestinal gas and relaxes while soothing the intestinal tract. There are a few research studies that were able to show ginger as an effective treatment to prevent symptoms of motion sickness, and in fact at times being more effective than over-the-counter prescription medications. Ginger reduces all symptoms associated with motion sickness including dizziness, nausea, vomiting and cold sweating. This is very useful for women during pregnancy, a delicate time when early on fetus development it is best to avoid prescription medications, yet often women suffer from nausea and indigestion. Ginger is safe to use during pregnancy: it is effective and only a small dose needed (Always check with your doctor before using it during pregnancy).

Ginger is also very powerful as an anti-inflammatory. It contains gingerols, substances attributed to relief in pain in so many people suffering from osteoarthritis and /or rheumatoid arthritis. Adding fresh grated ginger to everyday dishes such as steamed rice or stir fry is all it takes to reap the benefits this spice. Ginger has also been studied for its potential cancer preventive properties and immune boosting powers.

It is a wonderful thing that ginger has such pleasant spicy flavor: this makes it perfect to add it to both sweets and salty dishes alike. But how can you amplify all those qualities while creating something enjoyable to eat? That’s what the goal was when I created these Sweet and Sour Gummies. A rich dose of vitamin C comes from lemon juice, along with natural sweetness and immune boosting properties from honey combined with the powerful zest of ginger! These gummy are fun to make in different shapes and sizes. If you have ever made gelatin before, then you’re only a few steps away from making these gummy. Animal- based gelatin powder is made up mainly of collagen and water. These two ingredients will add protein and the consistency you are looking for in a gummy, not to mention the health benefits of collagen (sounds like a great next post!). But if you would like a vegan option you may also use the vegetarian gelatin powder made of agar.

These Sweet and Sour Gummy are very sour! They were meant to be eaten one or two at a time after a meal or perhaps at the first sight of a cold since they are very rich in vitamin C. But they are not to be compared to gummy candies. If you would like a more child- friendly gummy, omit lemon juice and use orange juice instead. However, I found that some children really enjoyed the combination of sour lemon and spicy ginger!

Try another recipe with ginger like our Tart Cherry Ginger Granola recipe found here.


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